Monday, July 8, 2013

Hot Wheels 2012 Series - Porsche Boxster Spyder

Today I show you one of my grabs I found at a petrol station while washing my car. Who knew they'd have Hot Wheels models for sale at a petrol station? There were plenty of cool cars on the rack, so this was one of em'.

Out of all the Porsche models castings from Hot Wheels, I personally think this one has a sort of a 'cute' look? haha As its a Boxster, a white and a convertible, what more could you ask for in a Boxster? I was considering ordering the Porsche 911 off eBay but this one would do for now. Maybe next month when my budget is better.

About this car, I noticed it was quite common on the shelves as I saw some at Carrefour and Tesco as well, but how can you deny grabbing a Porsche into your collection? Not for me at least. The rims look quite cool with the whole size and color of the car, though a 10 spoke rim would do quite well too in my opinion, but who's complaining? The black interior does quite well with the car too. I think the only thing about most Hot Wheels models are of the missing tampos on the headlights/taillights. Like this model, the taillight paints are not present. So I'd have to paint it myself, which knowing my poor painting skills, is gonna be a terrible job. I'll probably work on painting and customizing soon in the near future.

And now the pictures! But before that, it'd be awesome if you could let me know in the comment section below which one of the Porsche models should be on my next post? Maybe either the Porsche 911 GT3 or the Porsche Carrera GT?

Here they are! I hope it's better than the pictures in my previous post :)

 And my previous feature alongside it:

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