Friday, July 19, 2013

Hot Wheels 2013 Showroom Series - Lotus m250

Another Lotus to add to my collection! Check out the black Lotus Sport Elise I reviewed on my blog here.

I found this one along with the Green Chevy Camaro I showed earlier. I can tell you, it was a very good find, as this one was the last one on the shelf!

In reality, I have never appreciated Lotus because of it's small built size. It just never seemed like an ideal sports car to have when you can pay a lil' extra to get a faster medium sized car. Even on the road, it's easy to spot but difficult to see myself be happy with a small car like this. haha But with my collection, size doesn't matter.

Photo credits to:

I don't have much criticism nor good things to say about this casting as it's a simple one. The color is obviously my favorite color, so there's a plus one there. The simple 5 spoke rims do just nicely, and the tampos are so simple, I could've done it myself. Though like some castings, I do wish they added side mirrors with this small car. The rear is black and made from a different material than the whole body.

I managed to try out more photos for this car, as it was slightly easier for some reason. But I do apologize for some of my mistakes in lighting. Do enjoy! And don't forget to let me know and share your opinions about this model or any other previous models that I've reviewed earlier in the comment sections.

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