Thursday, July 11, 2013

Old & Found

Today's post is going to be a long one. Why? Because I managed to save 4 cars out of my friend's old toy box from Malacca (of course, he didn't need them anymore, so he gave them to me). I took some time to savage through his old toy box to pick out the decent cars that wasn't so knocked out, and out of the many I only managed to take out 4 that I could probably still refurbish. The rest either had missing wheels, totally scratched out body or no interiors, it seemed like a junkyard to me and I was digging out for cars to revive

Of course, they didn't have their boxes with them, so I grabbed them with just the cars. But looking at the brighter side, if I can refurbish them, cover with new paint, polish them, they'll look decent enough to be in my collection.

my favorite photo among the rest, if you wanted to know.

The first and most decent one among these four is the Lotus Sport Elise, with it's interesting blend of black body base, plastic rear spoiler, metal silver front grill and gold 5 spoke rims, it was still in a good enough condition besides the minor scratches on the body. After a bit of researching and searching through the internet, this one was made in 2007 in Thailand, and was only sold with Hot Wheels' Exotic 5 packs. It might not be as rare, but it's a good find.

The next I found was the Enzo Ferrari, which was made in China and manufactured in 2002. It's quite an old casting as it lacks the variety and modern look compared to the new castings of Enzo Ferrari cars by Hot Wheels. And when I found it, it was just.. so scratched up. The paint was scratched up everywhere along the body. The rims as you can see are black in color, but going through hundreds of research and pages, I can't find an Enzo Ferrari with black rims. Unless, the rims original silver color faded off through the years, but it's so hard to tell. I might give the whole car a respray, but that would result in me losing the Ferrari logos on the car which are still clear and visible. I'll have to think of something.

The BMW caught my attention as well, when I found it in the box. The BMW 2002 or M3 which was manufactured and made by Corgi, has doors that open Though the doors have been abused so much till it just drops even when closed. This model also made in China, has quite a decent detailed interior with the steering wheel clearly visible, but the plastic wheels wasn't worked hard enough like as if they designed the car so well but gave up on the wheels.

That small green piece of maybe 'junk' you see as well, is the Rolls Royce 'Silver Shadow', manufactured by Playait and made in Hong Kong. Though interesting enough, this one is made out of semi-metal. You know? Half metal half plastic, with also a metal front grill which has been scratched and probably hammered hard by some clueless child holding it in his hand while slamming it on something? Just saying. This one which joins the BMW has awful looking wheels that just turn off the whole look of the car. Rolls Royce already being a beautiful classic car in its real nature, is just ruined by this plastic ugly looking wheels. I think with a good make-over, this car should look good. My plans as of now is to chrome up the whole body and probably changing the wheels to a 5 spoke or the weird 10+ spoke rims. But that's just my thoughts.

And lastly, the pictures will show you everything I just typed about (if you read any part of it):

Hot Wheels Lotus Elise

Corgi BMW 2002/M3

Playait Rolls Royce Silver Shadow

Hot Wheels Enzo Ferrari (2002)

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